Monday, November 13, 2017

Growth Mindset: Pinterest Mindset Cats

I explored Pinterest to find some awesome growth mindset cats.  Here are some of my favorites:

Jumping Cat (Blogspot)

I liked this one because it has great message.  Basically, if you want to be great, you have to be willing to put yourself out there.  How will you ever know what you are capable of if you never try??

Hardworking Cat! (Blogspot)

I originally liked this meme because the picture was just pretty funny to me.  But then I read the message and thought it was pretty good.   If you want good results, you really have to try!

Tech Tip: Canvas Calendar

I have already been somewhat utilizing Canvas calendar before even doing this assignment.  I think it definitely helps me stay on top of my assignments.  It is especially helpful when I use it for all of my classes.  Plus, I like all the colors! :)

Reading Notes: Tales of Yudhishthira

I decided to do some extra reading for extra credit.  I chose to read "Tales of Yudhishthira."  It is a comic with really excellent reading guides! I liked the beginning story of the brothers at the lake.  Here are my notes:

The story begins with the Pandavas in the forest.  A brahmin goes to them for help because one of his shami sticks got stuck in the antlers of a deer.  Yudhishthira and his brothers agree to help but the deer vanishes.  Then they search for water, as they are very thirsty.  They reach a lake that says they must answer some questions before drinking. Nakula ignores this and drinks.  As does Sahadeva.  Unfortunately, they both perish.  Arjuna finds the bodies, gets angry, and also takes a drink and dies.  Bhima arrives and follows the same pattern.  Finally, Yudhishthira arrives and sees all of his brothers are dead.  A yaksha appears and offers to bring a brother back for answering a riddle correctly  Yudhishthira blows the yaksha away so he revives all four brothers.

Lake (Wikipedia)


"Tales of Yudhishthira" by Laura Gibbs. Link.

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Learning Challenge: Learn about Sleep!

The article I read confirmed to me that sacrificing sleep to studying can be detrimental.  This is a common theme for students, especially those in college.  But it honestly is more important to get enough sleep, rather than pulling an all-nighter to study.

I learned that sleep can actually boost language acquisition skills in younger children.  That is something I did not know but thought was pretty cool!

I am now curious to see what other positive effects enhanced sleep can have on all different age levels.  I will probably do some of my own research to find out!

Sleeping Cat (Pexels)

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Reading Notes: Seven Secrets of Vishnu, Part B

This is part B of the "Seven Secrets of Vishnu."

Matsya's Secret: Only humans can empathize and exploit.

The sacred mark of Vishnu is always on the forehead to represent the difference between humans and animals, the brain.  The larger brain is the spiritual manifestation of reality.  Only the fit can survive, physically and intellectually.  One fans for oneself.  Animals do not judge.  Man interferes with nature and this is because of empathy.  This allows to create society where there are no jungle rules.  The strong protect the weak instead of attacking them.  We become human when we rise above jungle law.  Society is a place where some are more safe than others.  Some are favored.  Often, the needs of culture are put above the needs of nature.  Eventually, nature will fight back.

"Seven Secrets of Vishnu" by Devdutt Pattanaik. Link.

Reading Notes: Seven Secrets of Vishnu, Part A

For my reading options this week, I chose "Pattanaik's Seven Secrets of Vishnu" because I haven't really utilized many video options yet!

Mohini's Secret - Spiritual growth need not exclude material growth

Mohini is the female form of Vishnu.  She was able to seduce sages and demons.  Vishnu is usually viewed as male.  In metaphysics, there are two realities, material and spiritual.  Material reality can be perceived through the senses and is represented by female form.  But spiritual reality cannot be and is represented through male form.  Mohini is female in form but male in essence.  She is spiritual reality wrapped in material reality. Realities are interdependent.  This is compared to a human couple or Lakshmi and Vishnu.  Lakshmi and Vishnu cannot exist without each other.

Mohini (Wikimedia Commons

"Seven Secrets of Vishnu" by Devdutt Pattanaik. Link.

Growth Mindset: Crazy Cats!

I decided to do a Growth Mindset challenge for extra credit this week.  Of course I chose the challenge with random cats.

Here is the first picture that stuck out to me:
Mastery Cat (Blogspot)

I liked this picture for a couple reasons.  The first is that I think the quote is totally true.  You cannot really become really good at something unless you put in the effort.  Plus, mastery doesn't just come overnight.  You have to put in constant effort.  Lastly, I just thought the picture of the cat was really funny! It definitely made me laugh!

Here is the second picture I liked:
Cat with burgers (Blogspot

This meme also really stuck out to me! We should all be willing to take some risks every now and then.  I mean, that is how we find new things that possibly intrigue us.  Risk can also give us opportunities that we may have never gotten before.  Also, I think we should all be more like this cat and pursue cheeseburgers when we want.  Because sometimes, cheeseburgers can really be the goal!